"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


We should be ashamed of ourselves

29 Mayıs 2024, Çarşamba 09:00
The United Nations' (UN) highest court has ordered Israel to immediately halt its military assault on the city of Rafah. This decision comes amidst international reactions to Israel's operations in Gaza. In parallel with these developments, renowned rock star Paul Weller has sharply criticized Israel's ongoing attacks on Gaza.

The 66-year-old Weller has recently expressed his support for Palestine and displayed the Palestinian flag during his live performances in the United Kingdom. In an interview with The Guardian, Weller responded to questions about the flag and articulated his stance against genocide and ethnic cleansing with these words: “Am I against genocides and ethnic cleansing? Yes, strangely enough, I am. I can't understand why more people aren't standing up about what's happening. I think we should be ashamed of ourselves. One minute you're supplying bullets, bombs, and guns, and the next you're sending food. How does that work?” With these statements, Weller clearly expressed his outrage towards the conflicts and the international community's lack of response.

Okunma Sayısı: 6167
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