"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


Dutch mothers in Netherlands march for killed children in Gaza Strip

24 Ekim 2023, Salı
‘The children in Gaza never deserved this,’ group spokeswoman tells Anadolu

A group of mothers in the Dutch city of The Hague held a quiet march for children killed in the Gaza Strip. 

The mothers, who attended the March of Monday Mothers, carried lanterns, candles, and banners that read: Stop the Genocide and Our Children Die.

The mothers were emotional while the names of the children were read aloud.

"The children in Gaza never deserved this," group's spokeswoman Sophie de Reuver told Anadolu, adding the march aims to raise awareness of the situation.

"We want Israel to end its attacks on Gaza," she added.

Willemijn van Woensel told Anadolu that she is deeply saddened by images of the dead children in Gaza.

“I cannot conceive how the international community was never able to find a resolution to this conflict,” she said.

Van Woensel added that she supports a two-state solution that would give Palestinians their country as the best resolution to the dispute.

On Oct. 7 Israel launched a relentless bombing campaign on the Gaza Strip following a cross-border attack by Palestine resistance group, Hamas, into Israeli border towns.

Israel also put the territory’s 2.3 million residents under total siege, blockading food, fuel and medical supplies.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has urged an “immediate humanitarian cease-fire” to ease the “epic human suffering.”

More than 7,100 people have been killed in the conflict, including at least 5,791 Palestinians and 1,400 Israelis.


Okunma Sayısı: 7167
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